More subway thoughts: Both grilling (questioning intensely) and roasting (gently or harshly mocking) are terms we use about people – why are we comparing ourselves to food so frequently? And are grilling and roasting (food version) comparably similar/different to grilling and roasting (people version)?

Why don’t we talk about boiling people, or baking them? I guess we do talk about getting baked. And hammered! And, come to think of it, nailed (and…banged? No; I don’t think people get banged. They just bang)…so the major categories seem to be culinary processes and tools.

And screwed!

Other things people and comestibles get: cured, creamed, fried…glazed? Frozen, poached, reduced, seasoned, steamed, thickened…

2 thoughts on “Animal, Vegetable, Mineral

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