A subway story

Two middle-aged women on the train:

Woman 1, complaining about her husband’s kissing style: “I want all lip! Nothing but lip. Did they get BIGGER in the last seven years? I did not sign up for this. I shouldn’t feel teeth. I don’t want to feel your goddamn teeth!”

Woman 2, making best efforts at sympathy: “Well, James is not the best kisser. He’s a sucker.”


An exchange

Me to young student: “What do you want to write your poem about?”

Student: “Well, I thought of three options: a princess, a stuffed lamb, or my hatred for Donald Trump.”


A cartoon idea

Young crow rolling eyes at old crow while group of other young crows loiters by: “It’s called a squad, Dad! No one says murder anymore!”


A definition

Snackered: exhausted from eating too many finger foods


Some options

Everybody wants to:

A) Feel important

B) Be a cat


Cure is a good word for:

A) Meat

B) Feelings

C) Diseases


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