In my house:

“But I’m not a craftsman, you know? I’m not a maker of fine wearables. So I put the wings in a bag.”


On the train:

One woman to another: “The thing about time travel…”

Other woman: ?

First woman: “Is that even if you could go back and change something, you don’t have to go back and change something. You know?”

Other woman: —


From a middle-school student:

Me: “Autotrophs create their own biomass, so they don’t need to consume other living things in order to make energy. Above them, you have the heterotrophs, starting with the herbivores and continuing to the omnivores and carnivores. Heterotrophs are consumers, because they primarily consume rather than feed other animals. Like humans–”

Student: “Humans do feed other animals.”

Me: <thinks about cannibals, zombies, kuru>

Student: “Their children. With breast milk (pats self on back). Good job, good job. That was a great point.”

Me: “Okay, yes. Good observation. And then humans are at the top of the energy pyramid because we aren’t natural prey for–”

Student: “And then dingoes eat babies.”

Me: <can’t argue the truth of that>


In a dream (but not the same dream that I had about vertical realness):

“Height is a combination of your inches and your posture score.”

Regarding that post, I have since been informed that the dragon was not named Noam Chomsky but Noam CHOMPsky. How could I not hear that?


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