
I needed a month off after that. Mostly because every time I thought about writing, it started with me not knowing what to say and ended with me having too much to say and never stopping. Also, this blog is generally trivial. The election of a racist, misogynist, hotheaded reality TV star with no political experience is the opposite.

Whenever I try to put my thoughts down I find myself spiraling deeper and deeper into disclaimers. Disclaimers like: I voted for Clinton and it was an obvious choice for me. But that said–I’m not a fan of Clinton. Or of politically dynastic families/partnerships in generally. But THAT said–she was by far the most qualified person and for me it was definitely not just “the lesser of two evils.” It was “someone who has many policies I disagree with” versus “ABJECT HORROR.” But that said…in a different election without such stark possible results–living in a state that was always going to go Democrat–if there had been a third-party candidate that I felt strongly about (there wasn’t), I would have voted third party. I never felt like I wanted to say “I’m with her.” But that said…I understand that the office of president involves making excruciatingly difficult decisions. It’s not something I could do.

I have recursive disclaimer disease. It’s a retrovirus.

I wish that America did not have a de facto two-party system and that our political system was more of a proportionate representation.

I don’t know the answers (or all of the questions). For now I’m reading, listening, donating to the ACLU and environmental organizations and others TBA, peacefully protesting, and trying to balance acknowledging the fact that everything is different now with the equal fact that all other aspects of our lives must continue (disclaimer: this is easy for me to say, not being in anywhere near as dire a situation as someone who isn’t white, who isn’t straight, who’s an immigrant, etc), even with a radically different backdrop.


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