I am lazy with my annotations, or I have less to say about these…but comments on a few of them:

The Argonauts, by Maggie Nelson

Virus Hunter, by CJ Peters

The Lightkeepers, by Abby Geni

Hunting the 1918 Flu, by Kirsty Duncan

The City of Mirrors, by Justin Cronin: This was a behemoth but went very fast, as you might imagine.

Betrayal of Trust: The Collapse of Global Public Health, by Laurie Jarrett: This was also a behemoth and went extremely slowly (not in a bad way, but I think I renewed it 9 times). The only disappointing element was that it’s from 2000 and in 16 years, so much changes in epidemiology and public health.

Eruption: The Untold Story of Mount St. Helens, by Steve Olson

Last Last Chance, by Fiona Maazel: Love this. It’s from I think 2008 and thus precedes the wave of epidemic/apocalypse books. And while many current books of the genre use the epidemic as a lens for viewing humanity, this one does more so than most–the disease is primarily the backdrop, not the plot. It’s also incredibly written and really intensely smart, but the fact that the author is clearly brilliant doesn’t take away from the writing at all (the way I felt it did in Gold Fame Citrus).

Yellow Dirt, by Judy Pasternak

The Girl on the Train, by Paula Hawkins

Land of Enchantment, by Leigh Stein: Leigh is my dear friend and this is a beautiful book. I read it far too late into the night after I started it.



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