In addition to my Family Feud habit (I’m trying to get my DVR source to record Jeopardy, which I used to play against my dad when I was in high school, both of us sitting on our couch with calculators and arguing about when it was legal to start speaking the answer), I’ve been watching:


Crazy Ex-Girlfriend

*These are two shows that have zero in common, except for the extremely important quality of knowing exactly what they’re doing and doing it brilliantly.

The Americans – practicing my Russian, and I’m a sucker for anything with spies, unless it’s fallen as far as Homeland.

The Killing – I’m finding this sort of relentlessly bad but I’m still watching it. I guess it’s worth it for Joel Kinnaman saying things like “Why’d your moms kick you outta her canoe?”

The Walking Dead’s dialogue has gotten so terrible that even its best actors are having a hard time saving it.


And for movies:

Passengers, which was a vat of steaming garbage soup.

The Arrival, which was more than solid in its scope and questions–as an alien movie it was average but as a discussion of language and time it was above–but definitely gets a boost when it’s being directly compared to Passengers. Or even just juxtaposed in a list.


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