• Things that always sound good that I later regret:
  1. Tripod headstand
  2. Almond croissants

Hence I spent the other day with both a headache and a stomachache. If I had done regular headstand and had a plain croissant, everything would have been fine. But tripods and almonds are a higher level of difficulty.

  • Speaking about croissants, more than once I’ve gotten the last croissant at my coffee place because I was walking so fast that I overtook the people who then entered the shop after I did…to find that there were no baked goods left for them. I felt proud/petty at that moment, but don’t worry, last week the guy walking down the street ahead of me got the last croissant, so there’s balance in the world.
  • The other night I went to see Grandaddy’s record release and the main topic of conversation overhead in the crowd was “I am so old.” “When are they going to start? This soundcheck has been forty minutes.” “I have to go to work tomorrow. Do you think this will end by 11?” It was appropriate given the band name…and the fact that at one point the guitarist sat down on the stage like he was also just kind of tired.
  • Before the show I went to eat Kati rolls and the (very young) man at the checkout counter finished his spiel to my friend with “Thank you sir, and now please wait patiently for your order” before turning to me to say, “Welcome to Kati Roll sir, what can I get for you?” Me: “I’ll have one paneer and one…did you call me sir?” Him: “Oh yes ma’am I am sorry. What can I get for you ma’am?” Me: “I don’t mind. Just checking. One paneer and one chana masala, please.” Him: “Thank you for your order maam and now please wait patiently maam and I am sorry for calling you sir.”

I think I may have enjoyed it so thoroughly because it reminded me of the A.M. Homes short story “Do Not Disturb.”

  • While I was walking home last week there was a guy behind me talking enthusiastically into his phone along these lines: “So can we get the photo of Jeff Dahmer where it’s full on, and he’s facing front? Or what about the one of him in camo? That one’s great.”

I was torn between thinking he had some really strange profession and wondering if maybe he just had a really unfortunately named coworker, like, Geoff Dommer.

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