Every time it rains I get Garbage’s “I’m Only Happy When it Rains” stuck in my head–not a bad thing–but usually with my friend Mikey-Mike’s (I think it was Mikey-Mike, but if not, it was Lincoln) alternate plumber-jingle lyrics, “We’re only happy when it drains,” to which I add “We’re only happy when you’re constipated” (don’t think about that too long…it doesn’t actually make sense as a business model; it just rhymes with “I’m only happy when it’s complicated”).

It’s usually followed by the zombie version, I’m Only Happy When it’s Brains.

I don’t mind this rain. It’s definitely the least offensive thing about this day, and the least ominous.

I haven’t blogged recently because I was in Morocco for two weeks. Part of my time there was in the Atlas Mountains, hiking and sleeping in gites in the valleys. Two of the four days we went up one mountain, down another, up a different mountain, and down that mountain. On the first day, I had a few different things in my head:

  1. I don’t even want to print this because it’s totally inappropriate and not even something I ever chanted in elementary school…but lo, attempting not to lose my footing on the gravel that covered the goat trails, next to which was a 75 degree cliff with nary a scrub to cling to, it appeared. Suffice to say that it includes the line “I sit on the steeple and pee on the people.”
  2. Amidst the baa-ing of the goats, day two of hiking found the Mario vs. Luigi fight song planted semi-permanently in my brain. You know the one? In Mario 3 for NES, when you’re playing two-player and you hit A at the right time when the other player crosses over you, so that you’re taken to a “battle” during which you try to steal the other plumber’s bonus? See here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d1z8tZAyJyo
  3. Heart’s “Alone.”

A week later in Chefchaouen, the blue city, I had this part of Enya’s “Book of Days” cycling through. The entire time. Not mad! It was very fitting. https://youtu.be/LiBwr4U59EI?list=RDJl8iYAo90pE&t=17

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