A multi-part list by age, collected over years (note: it is intentional that these are all from different years and that things like gender and specific age aren’t given, just to further ensure anonymity). 8- and 9-year-olds: “That’s really arrogant!” –in response to Purell’s claim that it can kill 99.9% of germs. “I don’t need water…I’m a free rannnnnnnnnnge chicken!”–after the mom asked, “Do you want some water?” Line from a book for fourth graders about a dog traveling w/Lewis and Clark:… Read more »

I tend toward the overly ambitious and also procrastinatory when it comes to costumes. Sometimes the best ones come from waiting until the last minute and seeing what there is in the costume box (yes, I have a costume box. I enjoy a good theme party and also not getting rid of things). In the end I was BMO from Adventure time, and spent only $7. All of the things I wanted to be for Halloween: A butterfly or fish… Read more »

I’m doing a reading this Sunday that’s organized around the theme of technology…so I’m HOARDING all my metaphors for then! Or you might say I’m bookmarking them…but that would be fairly uninspired. Let’s say I’m dropping a pin on each one. Is that one of those metaphors that has bounced back (PINGED BACK) and forth from analog to technological back to analog? That is, did people literally stick pins in things that they wanted to remember, and that led to the Google maps… Read more »

The other night one of my roommates was complaining (rightfully!) about auto-play videos on news sites. I was in the other room so I didn’t see if it was an auto-play video that actually showed the news, or an ad. Either way, it’s intrusive, and according to what I’ve read, not going to disappear no matter how much we bemoan it. A few days later my other roommate went to a website to try to find information about internet rates… Read more »

From the brilliant Andre 3000: “If you got riches you got glitches. If you got glitches in your life computer turn it off and then reboot and then you’re back on” (from “Millionaire” with Kelis)

A sampling of how this week’s technology metaphor, “Leveling up,” (birthplace: video games) is used across genres…. “Leveling Up: Career Advancement for Software Developers” “Leveling up. Getting even with your friends in terms of the blood alcohol level.” “In order to level up you need to work out for an hour a day, save a quarter of your paycheck, and read a book a week.” Urban Dictionary tells me it’s also used as a reference to tripping on mushrooms, and that that’s a wink… Read more »

I know I’ve heard multiple people–therapists and others–say this, but trying to Google it only yields responses about internet addiction. “Going offline” …meaning taking a break (not from the literal internet, just from thinking), shutting down, quieting. I don’t know if this is a mixed metaphor or not. I’ve heard people give it both positive and negative connotations, but more frequently negative ones–like your brain panicking and shutting down (note: “shutting down” is a much better metaphor for the negative version… Read more »

I thought I loved enjambment. But I only learned as I was writing this that enjambment is ANY instance of a line break that occurs in the middle of a sentence (and with no punctuation, i.e. the line doesn’t end with a comma or semicolon or dash indicating a pause/break). How unfathomably boring! Is there a separate term for what I *thought* enjambment was–a line break or pause that creates a double meaning? i.e., one meaning is suggested by the first… Read more »

I checked out about 8 books on epidemiology and illness from the library and have been working my way through them (in general the ones about infectious and zoonotic diseases are the most interesting). Most recently I finished The End of Illness, which I didn’t feel particularly strongly about–too prescriptive to hold my interest, but not devoid of interesting content. Near the end of the book the author writes, “…sleep acts like a built-in technology app for our brains, cleaning out old files… Read more »