Discussing the Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine: Student: So TR offered Columbia 10 million dollars. But Colombia said no. So then he offered more money, and more money, but they wouldn’t take it! Me: Well–he offered them 10 million and didn’t want to offer more; that’s why he went to the Panamanian government. He didn’t ever offer more than 10 million. Student: Oh, I just added that part for dramatic effect.   Discussing an analogy (“A hammer is to… Read more »

Over the weekend I was trying to remember every costume I’ve ever worn for Halloweens past. For some reason not being able to remember what I did on a specific holiday in a given year (I see you, 4th of July 2007…or, actually, I do not) really bothers me (rough life, I know). I don’t think my parents dressed me up when I was 6 months, 1.5, or 2.5…but I bet they will let me know in the comments if… Read more »

I posted the other day about a couple on the train and my dawning awareness of what they were doing. A few days later, another young couple sat near me (this time on a crowded train, and actually, the woman sat next to me and the guy kind of crouched on the floor) and noticed I was playing Candy Crush (NO SHAME). “Ooh, I wanna see what level she’s on!” I heard from within my colorful daze. “Hey, I’ll play your… Read more »

People have been talking to me in public more than usual. Especially young couples on the trains–why, I don’t know. Full moon? I was taking the F home around 9 pm – the train was mostly empty, so the only people near me were a couple sitting across the car – when I started to hear murmurs and to get an unusual feeling…the feeling when you realize that the people across from you seem to be trying to guess what… Read more »

There aren’t many books that I reread. Most of them are middle grade fiction or YA–The Changeling, The Mozart Season, Superfudge, numerous others. The only adult novels I can recall having read multiple times are Graham Swift’s Waterland, which I’ve probably read there times; Murakami’s Norwegian Wood, maybe just twice; and Into Thin Air. There are books that I want to reread, but…there are so many other books check off both “want to read” and “have not already read.” It’s not a fair fight…. Read more »

The king of Thailand, Bhumibol Adulyadej, died on Thursday. I wore yellow corduroy pants to remember him (yellow is his color, I believe because of the day of the week on which he was born). I lived in Thailand for a year after college, and during the first year I was back in the US I wore one of the King’s commemorative bracelets (kind of looked like a LiveStrong bracelet, but with Thai script–you could only buy them at the post office)… Read more »

I don’t actually have a nightstand. I have a fairly deep window sash, upon which live my lamp and probably some spiders, and I have a portable air conditioner that cautions “Do not place items on top of air conditioner,” upon which I compromise by only putting items on it when it’s not shuddering from overuse. Generally, though, whatever book I’m currently reading is either in my purse or on top of my bed, and the books I’m also reading… Read more »

If I could choose a talent to wake up with one day it would be graphic design. What’s more fun than being supremely great at a never-ending game of “this thing looks like that other thing”? I have a few friends who are graphic designers and I’m always impressed by the balance of idea + execution. But if I think about an alternate career path, I nearly always consider epidemiology. I doubt I’ll actually go back to school for an MPH… Read more »

Likelihoods I dislike: The threat of blood-borne pathogens and/or OSHA violations The probability of sunburn The risk of witnessing someone vomit The uncertainty of not knowing when you’ll be able to leave a function and go home   Likelihoods I like: The chance that there will be pastries.    

Overheard: Person A: “I could make you a nice dinner.” Person B: “I think I’m kind of past the point of a nice dinner.” Sometimes you’re just past that point.    “Stop it! Will you stop trying to do ear things to this chicken?” Perhaps instead you could make chicken a nice dinner. Interpret that as you wish.   Father singing to his crying baby: “Pasta, pasta, pasta, pasta…” That is also what I want when I’m crying.   “You can’t… Read more »