One of my favorite things about technology is that new inventions, processes, and objects can be exploited for metaphor. Even if you believe there’s truly nothing new to be thought or said, you have a better shot (shot: a word that through the ages could be used in analogies relating to bows and arrows, guns, golf, basketball, photography, and on into the future) at originality if your comparison involves something that hasn’t been in existence for long. I’ve started to… Read more »

I used to read a really odd assortment of blogs. By that, I don’t mean that I read a bunch of Mormon Mommy Blogs (though I do that now) or that I read the AOL Baby Name message boards (which I did when I was 13 and thought Cinnamon might be a good name for a human), but that back in the days of LiveJournal–late high school, early college for me–I often came across the blogs of friends of friends,… Read more »

For my first blog post, I decided to share my three favorite songs about former presidents (in no particular order): 1. A Q&A with the one-term peanut farmer:   2. The predecessor to the listicle? by my favorite 90s emo band: 3. And with animation and backbeats: Addendum: One of my favorite songs of all time, not about a former president per se but which does *mention* a former president, meriting its inclusion. I vacillate between preferring this version and remaining… Read more »