Student, describing one interpretation of the justice system and putting someone away for smaller but more convictable crimes: “Like when someone is a murderer but you can’t prove they killed someone, so you get them for taxidermy or something”

Student describing a marriage: “Then Lady Macbeth is like, did you kill him without me? FOMO.”

Train conductor, apropos of nothing: “People wobble but they never fall.”

My Fitbit, confusing because I was simultaneously getting a text message and thought the person texting was telling me, “One foot, two foot” or “One foot in front of the other” or “Right foot, left foot” or whatever Fitbit says when it wants you to get more steps.

I’m currently watching gymnastics (American Cup) without commentary, because I’m watching the International Feed, which seems to be available in the US but not…internationally. I have to say that while I sometimes don’t like the commentating, I much prefer watching with it. Even if it’s to disagree.


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