
On the street:

One guy to another: “It’s a lot of work, man–to pick an avocado.”

Elderly woman to her elderly friend: “I share my birthday with Father’s Day this year…THAT SUCKS.”

Someone catcalling me…I think: “Damn, red hair like Jesus!” Okay.

In a high school:

One student chasing another, shouting accusatorially: “They could have been twins! They could have been twins!”

One student to another: “Oh? Incest? What?”

Student to her friend: “I’m afraid to go on a cruise!”

At a campsite:

“This soap smells like spit and gum.”

“We don’t have plans. That’s how we get lost.”

9-year-old, singing: “A deer peed on your tent–oh no! A deer peed on your tent–oh no! A deer peed on your tent–oh no! <stops singing> This is reality. Deal with it, people!”


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