the irony of doing an “overheard” post when my right ear has been stuffed up for two weeks.


on the street:

-No reason to cry, baby. There will be more fluffy stuff up ahead.

-You know what they say–when one door closes, another–another door’s gonna close.

-It’s a PHILODENDRON. That’s the name of that plant, bro. PHIL-O-DEN-DRON.

with my students:

-Solving for x is almost as good as eating a cookie…should I make that my motto?

-(while reading an English paper assignment out loud) Don’t read ahead! I want it to be dramatic.

on the train:

Guy 1: So you had breakfast with her, but you said it was brief.

Guy 2: Yeah, and–

Guy 1: Well WHY? Why was it brief??

in my apartment:

-Beard beard beard. How did you get so big?

-Activate urine!

-He appears to be highly ranked. He has a hat with a tassel on top.

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