If I have a (very) limited time in a city, I favor three things: grocery stores, signage, and cobblestone streets. Amsterdam is no Prague or Lisbon when it comes to magical alleyways, but the signs and the supermarket did not disappoint. A seven-hour layover equates to as much walking + as much eating as possible.
Pictures below – click through for more signage:
It's really an Amsterdam cliche if this is what my search for "breakfast" yielded...
That said, our on-foot search led to this display of everything I have ever wanted in a breakfast, so no complaints. HALLOUMI CHEESE.
And after the breakfast, it's the sweety sweets...
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You can't blame them...they saw the opportunity, they took it!
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This establishment went with just the facts.
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This is...I feel like they went out of their way to not make this look obscene but failed terribly.
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It wasn't totally clear if the hamster is the store mascot or some kind of discount program. I'm still floored they didn't go with Hamsterdam.
And then, on the flight from Amsterdam back to NYC through Iceland...the joys of the WOW air snack catalogue
"I'd like one duvet of nutrition, please"
For all of your favorite bachelors!

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