Alternate title: When one thing isn’t substantial enough for an entire blog post, mash a few things together. A dinner of side dishes, all nutrients covered!



Pettiness level: Calling someone by the wrong nickname

Pettiness level: Taking a picture of the hair clogging the drain every time you clean the shower catcher before showering

Pettiness level: Taking your mail out of the mailbox and shutting the door on everyone else’s

Pettiness level: Spreading your washcloth out across more than half of the rail in the bathroom



Clumsiness level: Hitting your head on the faucet when you sneeze over the sink

Clumsiness level: Purse strap getting snagged on the door handle

Clumsiness level: Accidentally airborne off the lip of the steps to the kitchen when wearing slippery socks



Techster level: “Inventing” soylent and ignoring the long-time existence of poi

Techster level: Going so far in the direction of private rides that you circle back and think you’ve invented buses

Techster level: Stealing “dopamine fasting” from the Amish and meditation practitioners


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