Overheard in my apartment building:

“Wait, you said there are a bunch of centipedes? Or just the one that ate my hand?”

“I’m trying to use charisma…I know a tastier person you can eat!”

“That’s not what “likely” means!” “What are you talking about? That’s literally the definition of ‘likely’!”

Overheard on the subway:

One older woman to another older woman:”She’s kind of a femme fatale. Always wears pink, never wears pants…”

After listening to them for a few minutes, I realized she was talking about her seven-year-old granddaughter. Lady, I’m not sure you have a solid working definition of “femme fatale”

While I was trying to make an important decision last week, my Duolingo Mandarin lesson gave me the practice sentences, “What is the thing you fear the most?” “I am afraid of change,” and “I cannot relax!” all in a row. So if you think your phone isn’t listening to you, well…

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