Los Angeles always gets me with how amazing everything smells. I could just walk the hills smelling things all day.
I encountered some excellent animals and plants in LA and San Diego. Here they are:
2017-06-12 12.16.11
Marlon, resident dog at my AirBnB
2017-06-12 11.01.13
I went to a cafe for breakfast and pulled this fellow out of my hair.
2017-06-10 11.39.17
Such majestic awkward creatures
2017-06-10 11.44.58
Family pile!
2017-06-09 19.31.58
This house is across the street from the beach in San Diego, so I'm going to guess that is some very expensive imported grass product.
2017-06-10 11.42.01
Oranges and yellows
2017-06-09 19.32.08
2017-06-10 11.36.32
2017-06-10 15.51.46
Tree jail
2017-06-10 15.53.15
Every house in this San Diego neighborhood was like its own mini-golf course
2017-06-12 12.14.12
The hill I was staying on top of
2017-06-08 15.35.51
Excellent smelling trees
2017-06-11 16.29.06
COME ON. Too much

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