I sat next to a very charming child and her…babysitter? family friend? as they played twenty questions. The best questions were the child’s asides:

“Do you know what stop is ours so that we aren’t on the train for THE REST OF OUR LIVES?”


“If you looked in them mirror would you be like, “ahh! I’m a monster!”?”


Older woman, reassuringly, to her older husband, who had just been offered a seat on the train by a young woman: “You’re not elderly.”

Older man: “No, I’m pregnant.”


The experienced half of a busking duo to the less experienced half, who was looking very concerned when they got to the end of the car: “Oh. Are we on the island thing? Oh! Are you feeling nervous about walking between cars?”

Other half: “…YES.”


Woman walking down the street, presumably horrified either at herself or her daughter for holding onto something OLD: “I had that when I was pregnant with her! She’s THIRTY!”

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