I’ve never done very well with Novembers. It’s the darkness, the cold, and the lack of sparkly markers of time (I know–Thanksgiving–somehow it doesn’t have the same effect as Christmas lights). I tried walking around my room just muttering “hygge, hygge, hygge” as if I could summon it, but that didn’t do anything (YET).

So I’ve been playing scrabble online, reading, and whenever the temperature shifts back to the 60s, pretending that a) it’s still late summer b) climate change isn’t terrifying.

My Words With Friends opponent noted that he had almost played “steroid” for far fewer points than he gained for playing “asteroid,” and I realized I’ve never juxtaposed the two words before, or considered that they might be related. I mean–they aren’t, because asteroid is from aster and steroid is from…something else, but the possibility is interesting.

One of those hot nights back in October, I figured I would save money on electricity (and do my micro-assist against climate change!) by opening the window overnight instead of turning on the air conditioner one last time. It turns out this my version of “money-wasting things people do while trying to save money,” like driving around trying to find the cheapest gas, because the next morning I woke to find that a $13 harp string had broken due to the humidity. At least it was fourth octave and not fifth?

I think if I took a representative poll, January or February might beat November for least favorite month; people are really into Thanksgiving, and by the time February rolls around everyone is tired of snow…but I always feel better after New Year’s, pale blue instead of dark gray.

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