Things I can never keep straight in my head:

Complementary vs supplementary

Inductive vs deductive

Miss America vs Miss USA


Song lyrics by the opening act of a show I went to a few weeks ago:

“I am sensation. You are sensation. We are sensation…” (and so on…)

They later sang a song whose primary lyrics were “Who am I? Who am I?” Hello, you’re sensation.

I like the conjugation of a verb as the primary basis for an entire song. If I write a song, it will just be Russian time adverbs shouted in succession with great enthusiasm. “скоро! всегда! сейчас! иногда!”



In my house:

“How’s the giant space-whale-sea creature thing going?”

“Oh, it’s dead already.”

Thank goodness.

On the street:

First woman: “I gotta show you a picture of Angie proposing to Cindy for like the tenth time.”

Second woman: “Oh really?”

First woman: “Yeah, she got down on two knees.”

Well if one knee doesn’t work…

From a student:

Student: “I’m going to get ice cream. Do you want some?”

Me: “Sure, I want to try it.”

Student: “Nooooo…I was just saying that to be polite.”

And now you’re going to have to actually…be polite.


A cartoon idea:

Forlorn-looking plastic (see-through) cat (or raccoon, or bear, or etc), filled entirely with those fake lucky rabbit feet you could get at the skating rink or arcade if you had enough tickets. Thought bubble: “I’m full of faux paws.”

And scene.


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