There aren’t many books that I reread. Most of them are middle grade fiction or YA–The Changeling, The Mozart Season, Superfudge, numerous others. The only adult novels I can recall having read multiple times are Graham Swift’s Waterland, which I’ve probably read there times; Murakami’s Norwegian Wood, maybe just twice; and Into Thin Air. There are books that I want to reread, but…there are so many other books check off both “want to read” and “have not already read.” It’s not a fair fight.

It seems like people rewatch movies more often than they reread books, which makes sense from a time perspective; I haven’t really done that much either, though. Outside of the movies I watched repeatedly only as a child (Cool Runnings, the Rainbow Brite origin story), the movies I’ve seen most (and the only ones I can’t at least approximate a count for) are Clue, Princess Bride, and Everybody Rides the Carousel. I know I’ve seen Bladerunner, Me & You & Everyone We Know, and Something’s Got to Give (it was my comfort background movie when I lived in Bangkok and only got two TV channels, one of which turned into HBO Asia on the weekends) maybe three or four times each. Amelie and Event Horizon twice. Two by Jim Jarmusch twice each (The Limits of Control and Only Lovers Left Alive). Beyond that I can’t think of many more.

**Oh wait. Yes I can: Hocus Pocus. 


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