Of various ages, and from long ago. Me to student: “Where was Andrew Jackson born?” Student: “Iowa? No wait…he’s from the south, right? One of those shady places.” Me: “Shady places?” Student: “Yeah, where all those pageant people come from.” Me to young student: “…and discord is the opposite of accord, when things are not in agreement or harmony.” Student: “Like…a discordant note was struck in our conversation when someone brought up the lawsuit?” Me: “Is that from something?” Student:… Read more »

Yoga teacher, instructing students to relax in savasana: “Now unhinge your jaw…” #areyousurethatswhatyoumean   Pilates teacher: “Really beautiful neutral pelvises, guys.” I was hoping for a bold or metallic pelvis myself.   Pilates teacher losing her zen: “Lift your butts…OK. Your head is not your butt. I know it can sometimes seem that way–”   Yoga teach encouraging students to releve: “Now shift your weight into your balls…” Well, they do say every body is different.

Sometimes my living room is full of mythical beings: “Who here is a small creature, besides me?” “Wait, wait–can you tell me how rage works? I’ve never been a barbarian before.” “I just really want to tweet that my roommate is playing harp in a panda suit right now.”   Other times… “If you have an extra free printer, great. But you understand I’m a 32-year-old man, right?”   LET’S BE CLEAR! Roll call.

THE PROFANE Outside of the doctor’s office: “I’m so fucking tired of dealing with these fucking people that I want to stab and kill!” On the street: “Oh gee Carlos, thanks for the shitty fucking Snickers!” On Bondi Beach, Sydney: “I’m her boyfriend, Liberace. Now get a focking haircut and fock off.” On the bus, woman talking on the phone: “Here is the fuckery of fuckeries: we have to accommodate Deborah.”   THE LOVERS On the train: Him: “I don’t know what… Read more »

Part II. For part one, see here. 12- and 13-year-olds: Me to Latin student: “In ancient Rome female roles were usually played by men.”        Student: “Oh, so they were drag queens.” Student, writing a poem about penguins and making a simile about tuxedos: “Well, often when getting married the guy has regrets.” “I always get JFK and FDR confused because the FDR road goes to JFK airport.” Student, honking very stuffed nose: “Look. It’s a trumpet.”  … Read more »

A multi-part list by age, collected over years (note: it is intentional that these are all from different years and that things like gender and specific age aren’t given, just to further ensure anonymity). 8- and 9-year-olds: “That’s really arrogant!” –in response to Purell’s claim that it can kill 99.9% of germs. “I don’t need water…I’m a free rannnnnnnnnnge chicken!”–after the mom asked, “Do you want some water?” Line from a book for fourth graders about a dog traveling w/Lewis and Clark:… Read more »