Of various ages, and from long ago.

Me to student: “Where was Andrew Jackson born?”

Student: “Iowa? No wait…he’s from the south, right? One of those shady places.”

Me: “Shady places?”

Student: “Yeah, where all those pageant people come from.”

Me to young student: “…and discord is the opposite of accord, when things are not in agreement or harmony.”

Student: “Like…a discordant note was struck in our conversation when someone brought up the lawsuit?”

Me: “Is that from something?”

Student: “No.”

Student: “You really hate the word “get,” huh?”

Me: “It’s not very precise–pretty much every other verb is more vivid and specific.”

Student: “I have to say…”get” doesn’t really like you either.”

Me: “What do you need for your conclusion?”

Student: “I’ll tell you…”



Student: “Patience is a virtue.”

Student: “I want it to be in black and white, with burned edges…like it’s DEAD inside.”

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