I’ve read many bizarre things over the past few weeks–it’s hard not to–but this explanation (a loose term) of what’s included and excluded in trip insurance might be the weirdest.

Some choice bits:

“Losses Not Covered
We will not pay for loss arising from:

  1. defective materials or craftsmanship; or
  2. normal wear and tear, gradual deterioration, inherent vice; or
  3. rodents, animals, insects or vermin; or
  4. mysterious disappearance; or
  5. electrical current, including electric arcing that damages or destroys electrical devices or appliances.”

Events that are covered….

“Travel Delay must be caused by or result from:

  1. delay of a Common Carrier; or
  2. loss or theft of your passport(s), travel documents or money; or
  3. Quarantine; or
  4. hijacking; or
  5. natural disaster or adverse weather; or
  6. being directly involved in a documented traffic accident while you are en route to departure; or
  7. unannounced strike; or
  8. a civil disorder; or
  9. Sickness or Injury of you or a Traveling Companion; or
  10. death of a Traveling Companion.”

And not covered:

“We will not pay for any loss under this Policy, caused by, or resulting from:

  1. your or your Traveling Companion’s participation as a professional in athletics;
  2. your or your Traveling Companion’s participation in organized amateur and interscholastic athletic or sports competition or events;
  3. you or your Traveling Companion riding or driving in any motor competition;
  4. you or your Traveling Companion mountain climbing, bungee cord jumping, skydiving, parachuting, hang gliding, parasailing, caving, extreme skiing, heli-skiing, skiing outside marked trails, boxing, full contact martial arts, or scuba diving below 120 feet (40 meters) or without a dive master;
  5. your or your Traveling Companion’s Elective Treatment and Procedures;
  6. your or your Traveling Companion’s medical treatment during or arising from a Trip undertaken for the purpose or intent of securing medical treatment;
  7. nuclear reaction, radiation or radioactive contamination;
  8. any unlawful acts, committed by you or your Traveling Companion;
  9. a loss or damage caused by detention, con scation or destruction by customs or any governmental authority, regulation or prohibition;
  10. travel restrictions imposed for a certain area by governmental authority;
  11. Financial Insolvency of the person, organization or rm from whom you directly purchased or paid for your Trip, Financial Insolvency which occurred, or for which a petition for bankruptcy was led by a travel supplier, before your effective date for the Trip Cancellation Bene ts, or Financial Insolvency which occurs within 14 days following your effective date for the Trip Cancellation Bene ts;
  12. Pandemic and/or Epidemic;
  13. a loss that results from an illness, disease, or other condition, event or circumstance which occurs at a time when coverage is not in effect for you;
  14. any issue or event that could have been reasonably foreseen or expected when you purchased the coverage.” 

In summary: be a psychic, and make sure to avoid the most cliched forms of apocalypse if you want your money back.


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