While using Hopstop (RIP), I found that there was a section for East Anglia, England. What’s the public transport there? Eels?

Hopstop might have fared better if it had the functionality to tell you how long it would take you to walk to the train while staring down at your phone the whole time.

Things I’ve accidentally Googled while trying to search for “Hopstop”: 1. “hoo” – got this: A welcome misfire in the end. Many uses of hoo! 2. “Ho,” constantly. 3. Hope.

Things I’ve accidentally Googled while trying to type “Pandora” into my browser: Panda.

I looked up the noun form of “mundane” online, and doing so somehow caused MS Word to shut down, causing me to lose my paragraph about mundanities.

Instead of getting emergency texts about unlikely flash floods, my phone should really let me know when it’s free donut/coffee/ice cream day nearby.

Weather.com with its constant rebranding is already like a teenager who can’t decide if she wants to be goth or punk or emo. Now it’s also dealing in schadenfreude: “NEW! See Friends at Risk in Severe Weather.”

Further, I need my weather options to span a broader range than “Love!” to “Ugh!”

Found in my saved drafts folder: email titled “Things to Remember” with a list of “Books to read” below a list titled “Diseases to worry about.”


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